With Democracy Reloading, benefit from tools, training and advice to actively engage young people and youth actors with you in political decision-making at local and regional level.
The European Coordinator of the Partnership is Laszlo Foldi, senior advisor of BIJ. He has 35 years of experience in the field of youth work and youth policy, as youth worker, as policy maker and trainer. He worked for a youth NGO, a national youth council, for the Hungarian national youth service, for the EU youth programmes, for the Council of Europe Youth Department as well as freelance trainer and policy consultant.
His main expertise are participative democracy, youth participation and human rights / democratic citizenship education in the fields of youth, sport and formal education. He has been working on the Democracy Reloading project since 2015, and its coordinator since 2021.
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This program aims to meet the sensitivities and expectations of each profile.
Where are you now ?
Where are you now ?
Where are you now ?
Where are you now ?
Check out the ideal organisational environment for youth participation in municipal decision-making. We will show you how to get here.
The program is designed to guide and support you in creating a conducive environment for the success of your initiatives at your own pace.
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Ac cras velit non magna viverra enim nunc ultricies donec. Faucibus aliquet auctor sed fermentum egestas in.
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Voir toutes les actualitésLorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin malesuada placerat dignissim. In a euismod magna. Pellentesque malesuada odio dolor, id commodo quam facilisis nec. Vivamus feugiat, urna et dapibus varius, nunc purus ornare risus, quis malesuada risus libero nec leo.
Democracy Reloading is bringing together people from across Europe to improve youth participation in municipalities and help young people to have a voice at local level. But what difference is it currently making? To help us understand that we have commissioned Ondřej...
Tip 1: Take young people seriously by making an effort You can take young people seriously by showing that you are making an effort for them. Two ways to achieve this are active listening and giving feedback. Active listening Listen and ask further questions.
The Democracy Reloading programme has set a lot of things in motion in the field of youth participation at the municipality of Nijmegen. Thanks to the continuous attention youth policy officer Lieke Peeters has given to the subject ever since; she has created renewed attention
The Democracy Reloading programme has set a lot of things in motion in the field of youth participation at the municipality of Nijmegen. Thanks to the continuous attention youth policy officer Lieke Peeters has given to the subject ever since; she has created renewed attention
Democracy Reloading is bringing together people from across Europe to improve youth participation in municipalities and help young people to have a voice at local level. But what difference is it currently making? To help us understand that we have commissioned Ondřej...
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