Democracy Reloading helps municipalities engage youth in decision-making through tools, training, and support

Democracy Reloading Partnership is a strategic cooperation of 20 Erasmus+ Youth national agencies and a number of European partners aiming to support local and regional municipalities about how to engage young people in municipal decisions.  Our tools and training


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Background image

The financial and cooperation framework of the Democracy Reloading Partnership is provided by the network of Erasmus+ Youth national agencies. Erasmus+ Youth offers opportunities to organize projects for the mobility of young people and youth workers.

The Partnership is a long-term strategic cooperation of eighteen national agencies coordinated by the Belgian (French speaking) national agency of Erasmus of Youth: Bureau International Jeunesse (BIJ). BIJ is a department of Wallonie-Bruxelles International co-managed by the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and set up to manage international programmes for young people in Wallonia and Brussels outside the school system. It offers specialized support to young people, youth workers and policy makers in designing and implementing high-quality youth projects in Belgium and beyond.

Meet our Steering Committee

The Partnership is a long-term strategic cooperation of eighteen national agencies coordinated by the Belgian (French speaking) national agency of Erasmus of Youth: Bureau International Jeunesse (BIJ). BIJ is a department of Wallonie-Bruxelles International co-managed by the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and set up to manage international programmes for young people in Wallonia and Brussels outside the school system. It offers specialized support to young people, youth workers and policy makers in designing and implementing high-quality youth projects in Belgium and beyond.


The European Coordinator of the Partnership is Laszlo Foldi, senior advisor of BIJ. He has 35 years of experience in the field of youth work and youth policy, as youth worker, as policy maker and trainer. He worked for a youth NGO, a national youth council, for the Hungarian national youth service, for the EU youth programmes, for the Council of Europe Youth Department as well as freelance trainer and policy consultant. 

His main expertise are participative democracy, youth participation and human rights / democratic citizenship education in the fields of youth, sport and formal education. He has been working on the Democracy Reloading project since 2015, and its coordinator since 2021.


The Democracy Reloading Partnership is a strategic cooperation among 17 Erasmus+ national agencies, aimed at helping municipalities design and implement youth participation in local decision-making and effectively use Erasmus+ funds. Launched in 2015 and now extending from 2021 to 2027, the partnership focuses on developing an online platform, creating assessment tools, publishing resources, and organizing training for municipal youth policy officers and young people.  

The initiative seeks to enhance youth participation policies and structures across municipalities, with priority given to those in member countries like Belgium, Italy, and France, although practitioners from other European countries may also participate.

A European platform of civil society organisations, local authorities and research institutions focusing on youth participation in decision-making processes at the local level. We stand for active and meaningful involvement of young people in local democracies through cooperation with local authorities and we provide the space and the resources for capacity building and exchange of good practices among our members. 

SALTO-YOUTH stands for Support, Advanced Learning and Training Opportunities for Youth. It works within the Erasmus+ Youth and the European Solidarity Corps programmes. 
SALTO Participation and Information encourages Participation in Democratic Life and Media Literacy by being a source of inspiration and trustworthy information. It develops resources and organizes training and events to actively promote and foster democratic participation in Europe.

 is a Council of Europe project coordinated by the Youth Department and aiming at revitalizing democracy through strengthening mutual trust between young people and democratic institutions and processes.

The Youth Department is part of the Directorate of Democratic Participation within the Directorate General of Democracy and Human Dignity (“DGII”) of the Council of Europe. The Department elaborates guidelines, programmes and legal instruments for the development of coherent and effective youth policies at local, national and European levels.

How to get involved
  1. Contact your Erasmus+ national agency and ask about national activities
  2. Advocate for joining the Partnership at your Erasmus+ national agency
  3. Form a national coalition of related organisations to become recognised national partner of the Partnership
  4. Promote the activities and the tools of the Democracy Reloading Partnership
Contact us

Contact your Erasmus+ national agency and ask about national activities.